S&S plays beautifully, the combat is brutal and satisfying and the addictive risk/reward system makes the game hard to put down. Ska Studios are self proclaimed Souls fans, they said from the off that this was their homage to From Software's fantastic series and they have absolutely nailed it. My original review of the PS4 version: I cannot express how much this game has sucked me in since I started playing. A massive bonus is the fact this Vita version has it's own separate trophy list meaning I get to earn them all over again adding them to my trophy collection. It runs smoothly and plays and looks just as beautiful as it did on the PS4. I have really been enjoying revisiting this game but now with the added bonus of being able to play it on the go. A massive thank you to Sickhead games for getting the job done with so much care and attention. A massive thank you to Sickhead games for This game which is my favourite indie game of all time has been ported to the Vita beautifully. This game which is my favourite indie game of all time has been ported to the Vita beautifully. The Vita port is great, and there were no glitches throughout my play-through, it looked really good too.

I know I will be revisiting this game often and it's now part of a select group of games that are for me part of the pinnacle of the Metroidvania genre: Symphony of the Night, Super Metroid, Guacamelee!, Metroid Fusion, Order of Ecclesia, and Dawn/Aria of Sorrow. A bargain if you asked me, because it offers really great value for that price. The main game is quite long too, especially generous considering this is a game made by a small indie studio and retails for 17.99. Just like Souls, you can create your heavy armored mage, or light armored heavy hammer fighter, etc. The combat has that Souls heft, and weapons really do work differently. It follows all the rules: One big unified map, areas locked behind new abilities and locked doors, backtracking, shortcuts, all of that with the combat and leveling system find in the souls game translated beautifully to a 2D platform game. But the real surprise is that it is also a great Metroidvania game. It's just as satisfying as a Souls game, probably not as hard, but still a decent challenge, which is rare in Metroidvania games these days. I was a bit worried that it would just be a souls rip-off with light Metroidvania elements, but it's not at all. Metroidvanias are my favorite kind of games, and I also love the Souls series and Bloodborne, so this game seemed right up my alley. Metroidvanias are my favorite kind of games, and I also love the Souls series and Bloodborne, so this game I absolutely loved this game.