I’ll stack off them during objectives and by lvl 15+, my shadow dagger will bleed an enemy team for 50% of their health so even if they push with an objective, they’ll have to back off. Typically, I take unfurling shadows, unstable poison, and festering wounds even if I’m solo laning because even when I’m solo laning, they’ll send a gank squad to me and I’ll stack off them anyway. However, when playing against her, I find that she is quite versatile, with good waveclear, good single target damage, great mobility, a great teamfight Ult and overall just good pressure. I have not played Sylvanas since her rework, not a single time.
Keep auto attacking enemy heroes to gets much cd reduction on W as possible. This will give you maximum bonuses from its lvl 1 talent. In AA build always use Q first and make yourself sure that all 5 Withering Fires hit enemy hero. However, with this build you have to use offensively your only escape option which makes you vulnerable, good positioning is even more important here. Before lvl 7 you want to AA enemy to get 3 stacks of her trait and then use W. With mage build her combo is E + W after lvl 7 to stack lvl 1quest quickly.

Stutter stepping and positioning is crucial. Generally, her play style is now similar to Valla even if you want to play her like mage. She has great talent diversity, I would recommend you to start with these standard builds.